Final Bid: The Havoc Engine

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Final Bid is a cooperative, auction-based tabletop game where you play as the actors in a film.

A fictional film. Not fictional as in "the events portrayed are not real."

I mean this film doesn't exist yet.

You're about to make it.

Beepy Speakers is played by Devious Vacuum. Helpmann is played by Grant. Galatea is played by Clove. Olga is played by Joey. The Network is played by Gnome.

This episode was edited by Riley. The music in this episode was performed by Thylacinus. Episode art was drawn by Arlowa.

Olga is a tribute to Joey's nanna, who died peacefully in her sleep on April 20th, 2018.


We control all, we see all, and we see you are in need of a breakout music group.

We now go live to the stage as Beepy Speakers (Devious Vacuum) recruits new members for the hot new band, Beepy and the Beepettes! With the assistance of our gracious loyal helper, Helpmann (Grant). Our calculated fine recruits consist of hot teen idol Galatea (Clove) and the mysterious spirit Olga (Joey). The Beepettes will be sure to rock your hearts!

After all, the Network (Gnome) deems it so, and you wouldn't want to say the Network is wrong, would you?

We are... disappointed.

It seems Helpmann is now turning against us. He brings together Olga and Galatea as they seek this pesky idea of "Freedom" and attempt to escape our city. We are obligated to put an end to their meaningless actions.

We still have Beepy, after all, although it seems she feels... sad? What a useless emotion.