Danger Patrol

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Ironicus, AWoodenPalisade, Gharbad, and Gnome are joined by guests Violet, Chip Cheezum, and a .rtf file to discuss...


Specifically, how it is used in storytelling media-- especially tabletop games. Tension is difficult to balance, and for a pre-written story, is carefully adjusted with cues for danger and story-based investment. It becomes far dicier when tension is incorporated into a game where the story is "written" as it is played.

Danger Patrol not only explores bringing tension into the story, but into the core mechanic as well.

Ikks' Tension Study Guide

Character Creation

That hot new season of Danger Patrol is in need of a new round of actors and provocateurs, so director-master Gnome brings in Ironicus, PoorWeather, AWoodenPalisade, Gharbad, Chip Cheezum, and Violet to explain the ups and downs.

From dangerously close to a nameless hero to dangerously close to libel from multiple other broadcast networks, this Patrol will have it all!


This week, on the premiere of an all-new season of Danger Patrol!

We welcome back the Professor (Ironicus), Crow Simons (AWoodenPalisade), the Tawny Owl (PoorWeather), Rolo Randall the Sepctral Sleuth (Chip Cheezum), "Livid" Leslie Chesterfield (Violet), and Billy the Kid himself, the Billybot Gruffmaster 9000 (Gharbad)!

When we last saw the Danger Patrol, a dastardly trick by the Crimson Republic led them to launch missiles at our own beloved home, Rocket City! But did they run? Did they hide?! No! Our beloved heroes brace their mettle against enemy metal and save us once again!

Listen on, gentle citizen, and remember-- Rad-Soap Saves Lives!


The Danger Patrol finally gets to the bottom of the question that has haunted Crow Simons since Season 1!

The Crimson Republic's plots have brought their doomsday device to the very roots of Rocket City, the ancient Martian ruins! The team races to investigate and intervene, stretching their abilities to the limit!

Remember: buy war bonds, support the Danger Patrol, and keep your bed safe!


Character creation, scenario design, all your favorites, all right here, all sponsored by Nintendo.

Tabletalk takes place before, during, and after our sessions. It's lightly edited and perfect for casual listening, and to get an idea of just what we were thinking when we did all that nonsense!

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